Monday, August 6, 2012

Today's update will cover 2 weeks:

July 29, 2012

"Things are going pretty well here in Japan!! I`m still studying, teaching and talking to a lot of people. Which is VERY tiring. I remember my farewell and how tired I was after I talked to all of those people. That`s basically a missionaries life every single day... Except in Japanese. haha!"

Working Hard!!

"I had a split this week. I was able to do missionary work with Lawson choro. Barros choro`s companion. I love lawson choro! Me an him had the best time ever! I feel like I`m ready to be senpai (which is just the older missionary who makes a lot of the plans and decisions)."

Pictures of the City 


 "The temple was really good. We went through twice. haha It`s very interesting in Japanese. On the way up to the temple there`s a pretty steep hill and there was a sister trying her best to get up the hill to the temple. She has leg problems and needs a wheel chair, but she was pushing her wheelchair up the hill. Her son was helping her push her wheelchair up the hill. That day I was reminded of how important families are and how blessed we are to have them. Thank you for being my family! You guys are the best!"

This must've been a game of "who can open their mouth the widest"???

Silly Boys!! :)

Monday August 6, 2012:

Seems this week he started his email with a question and a thought:

"Does my room look the same? It`s weird to think that I`ve been away from my room for so long. I like looking back at all the time I`ve spent on my mission. It makes me feel good knowing that I accomplished some big tasks. Thinking about it... hasn`t it been about a year from when I recieved my mission call? yay! This will be MY mission for the rest of my life. It`s special to me and I`m glad that it`s Japan, Fukuoka."

"Oh and you`re not going to guess what I had for lunch today... FISH. Oh man... It was weird... It still had the skin and the fin on it. It had it`s head cut off... so that` good."

Working in the Kitchen:

 "Last week we had a ice cream party for eikaiwa! Lawson choro and I taught about American History then we ate ice cream and I gave a spiritual message about families! Other than that my week was... I guess you could say boring. We keep finding really good people, but they just don`t progress. Hopefully one will. We had a special fast this fast sunday. All the members in the fukuoka mission fasted for the missionaries to have baptisms. We`re trying to double the numbers from last year. We`re working hard every day! (and my Japanese is getting good ) I don`t think I`m fluent yet... but I think I`m on the right track. haha"


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