Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Update from 8/12/12:

"This last week was a fun one. My companion and I went to a yakiniku place. It`s basically a personal indoor grill. In the middle of the table is a grill and they bring you a plate of meat and other things to grill. It was very delicious. And the salad bar was all-you-can-eat! They had potatoe salad... that was my favourite. I attached some pictures of us to this email. You can take a look at all the fun we had. "

Yummy Food!!

Connor talked about his Grandpa and Grandma Jones who were just called to the Ogden Inner City Service Mission:
"They`re going to be the best missionaries. In Japan, missionary work is EVERYTHING. Everyone wants to become missionaries here. It`s all that they ever talk about. Missionary work, missionary work, missionary work!"

Had to add another picture of Connor working hard!!

"I also had Zone conference this last week. It was really good. The new mission President is definitely not President Margetts, but he`s a way good President! I love him! And it was fun to see all the missionaries again. Oh, and my ward`s relief society fed us! They did a way good job! Tsuboi represented!!!!

I played basketball with chinese people one morning. It was fun. The chinese people are good at basketball and it gave me a chance to practice my chinese. I would talk to them in Chinese and they would answer me in english. interesting, huh?

For our other Eikaiwa, we explained American games. It made me home sick! haha American games are fun. like "red light, green light" and "mother may i"

 One of my investigators is going home to fukuoka! dang! He`s done with college. We just told him to keep reading the book of mormon and to try and find the missionaries in Fukuoka."

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