Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 19, 2012:

"My week was a good one! My companion and I are teaching a woman. She has Alzheimer`s disease, so It`s hard for her to remember what we taught her, but she remembers some things. Like Prayer. I think she remembers prayer pretty well. She`s a very sweet lady. Always making a lot of food for us... It`s really hard to not overeat as a missionary. The members make soooo much food for us! (find missionaries and feed them!! That`s my request!)"

"We also helped a sister who had a slipped disc? in her back. we had to lift her up and put her into the car. We drove her to the hospital and they`re going to take care of her there. We`ve given her several blessings and I`m sure that she will be fine, whatever happens. Oh, speaking of blessings... I gave a blessing to a less active one day at church. She just came up to us and asked us for a blessing and she chose me to do it! I`ll have to admit that I was scared, but It went pretty well. I tried to follow the spirit as best as I could and after the blessing she said that I said exactly what she needed to hear and that she felt better and more relaxed. I`m glad that I could help her out. She seemed like she was going through a lot."

Connor, helping a woman to her car in the rain. Awwwwwww! sweet!

"I`m glad that you like the pictures I send, because I enjoy taking them. It`s kind of become a small hobby of mine. Japan is such an interesting and beautiful place that I can`t help but want to take some pictures. Sometimes I wish that I had a camera in my eye so I could take pictures whenever I wanted to."   

Pictures from a neighborhood

I love you guys!
Until next time ...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Update from 8/12/12:

"This last week was a fun one. My companion and I went to a yakiniku place. It`s basically a personal indoor grill. In the middle of the table is a grill and they bring you a plate of meat and other things to grill. It was very delicious. And the salad bar was all-you-can-eat! They had potatoe salad... that was my favourite. I attached some pictures of us to this email. You can take a look at all the fun we had. "

Yummy Food!!

Connor talked about his Grandpa and Grandma Jones who were just called to the Ogden Inner City Service Mission:
"They`re going to be the best missionaries. In Japan, missionary work is EVERYTHING. Everyone wants to become missionaries here. It`s all that they ever talk about. Missionary work, missionary work, missionary work!"

Had to add another picture of Connor working hard!!

"I also had Zone conference this last week. It was really good. The new mission President is definitely not President Margetts, but he`s a way good President! I love him! And it was fun to see all the missionaries again. Oh, and my ward`s relief society fed us! They did a way good job! Tsuboi represented!!!!

I played basketball with chinese people one morning. It was fun. The chinese people are good at basketball and it gave me a chance to practice my chinese. I would talk to them in Chinese and they would answer me in english. interesting, huh?

For our other Eikaiwa, we explained American games. It made me home sick! haha American games are fun. like "red light, green light" and "mother may i"

 One of my investigators is going home to fukuoka! dang! He`s done with college. We just told him to keep reading the book of mormon and to try and find the missionaries in Fukuoka."

Monday, August 6, 2012

Today's update will cover 2 weeks:

July 29, 2012

"Things are going pretty well here in Japan!! I`m still studying, teaching and talking to a lot of people. Which is VERY tiring. I remember my farewell and how tired I was after I talked to all of those people. That`s basically a missionaries life every single day... Except in Japanese. haha!"

Working Hard!!

"I had a split this week. I was able to do missionary work with Lawson choro. Barros choro`s companion. I love lawson choro! Me an him had the best time ever! I feel like I`m ready to be senpai (which is just the older missionary who makes a lot of the plans and decisions)."

Pictures of the City 


 "The temple was really good. We went through twice. haha It`s very interesting in Japanese. On the way up to the temple there`s a pretty steep hill and there was a sister trying her best to get up the hill to the temple. She has leg problems and needs a wheel chair, but she was pushing her wheelchair up the hill. Her son was helping her push her wheelchair up the hill. That day I was reminded of how important families are and how blessed we are to have them. Thank you for being my family! You guys are the best!"

This must've been a game of "who can open their mouth the widest"???

Silly Boys!! :)

Monday August 6, 2012:

Seems this week he started his email with a question and a thought:

"Does my room look the same? It`s weird to think that I`ve been away from my room for so long. I like looking back at all the time I`ve spent on my mission. It makes me feel good knowing that I accomplished some big tasks. Thinking about it... hasn`t it been about a year from when I recieved my mission call? yay! This will be MY mission for the rest of my life. It`s special to me and I`m glad that it`s Japan, Fukuoka."

"Oh and you`re not going to guess what I had for lunch today... FISH. Oh man... It was weird... It still had the skin and the fin on it. It had it`s head cut off... so that` good."

Working in the Kitchen:

 "Last week we had a ice cream party for eikaiwa! Lawson choro and I taught about American History then we ate ice cream and I gave a spiritual message about families! Other than that my week was... I guess you could say boring. We keep finding really good people, but they just don`t progress. Hopefully one will. We had a special fast this fast sunday. All the members in the fukuoka mission fasted for the missionaries to have baptisms. We`re trying to double the numbers from last year. We`re working hard every day! (and my Japanese is getting good ) I don`t think I`m fluent yet... but I think I`m on the right track. haha"